Friday, June 26, 2009

Cheers To The Happy Couple

The magic of a good toast, the clinking of the stemware, the energy of everyone celebrating the same thing at the same time. I love weddings! I truly do. It’s a reason to put on a nice dress, see my date looking very handsome in a tux, and reconnect with old friends that have been separated by thousands of miles. It’s also a great opportunity to make new friends. And what is the easiest way to make friends at a gathering like this? Over food and drinks, of course. Lots of food, and lots of drinks. Calories, shmalories when you’re celebrating the love of a great couple, right?

I recently flew down to New Orleans for a wedding. It was fantastic. I couldn’t be happier for the bride and groom, they were just aglow with love and excitement. There were around 200 guests, and very tasty champagne. Dutiful staff made sure a glass never emptied before more was served and the food was excellent. Delicious cheese plates (you all know how happy those three words make me), crawfish remoulade, beignets… all to die for. And who is keeping track? Can you see how this would spell disaster for a woman who struggles with binge eating tendencies?

All in all, I kept myself in check. I was actually quite proud of myself. While food was on my mind the whole time, it was not in my mouth the whole time. It did, however, highlight the culture of “joy equals food indulgences” with frightening clarity. Especially in social circumstances. A cocktail is an expected prop. It’s a culture of mingling by the bar, snatching a goodie from the passing trays of hors d'oeuvres and throwing caution to the wind.

I suppose, unless you’re a wedding planner, being careless in your celebrations of matrimonial bliss are few and far enough between to enjoy yourself freely. And when my boyfriend is as cute as he is, there’s no way I’m choosing a calorie counter over him as a date.

So at the end of the day, cheers to the happy couple! I wish you a life time of happiness and blessings. * clink *

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